Escape to a WORLD Where Your Big Thinking Becomes The Human Standard.

Breathe life into your audacious goals with Bizi. Say goodbye to feeling lonely in your business ventures, and the 9-5 that undervalues your power – Celebrate victories, conquer challenges, and find the perfect teammate who sees the value in your ideas.

Expand your view and silence the voice in your head saying "it's too hard" or "where do I even start?" ... Why not start with friends who dream big right beside you? – Here, we show you how.

get bizi doing more of what you love

If you, like us are tired of sitting behind a tiny screen. Scrolling, as time passes you by... than you've reached the right place. Don’t allow yourself to get trapped in the loop that society calls ‘entertainment’. – Reach Higher, Walk Taller.

You're not the ONLY one craving MORE than what’s available.






© Bizi | Social Revenue Program - All Rights Reserved

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Allow us to help convert your scroll time into a paycheck just like your favorite Influencers; Only... you don't have to become one. No Content Creation. No Fine Print. No Bullsh*t.

Repost, Get Paid, & Grow your Network.

or... You could just go back to sitting behind that desk?

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Join on own or invite friends to earn with you! We never ask for any sort of payment or sign-up fee.

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Explore available brand partnerships and choose the ones that best resonate with you.

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Share brand content on your Instagram stories.

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Earn Endlessly

Receive payment for participation and enjoy the benefits of collaboration in your new community.

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This program is a simple, yet groundbreaking approach to a sustainable income while you navigate life’s uncertainties.

We make sure brands send REPOST Offers that resonate with YOU.

Subliminal marketing is like a secret way to make people like something without them even knowing it. With the Social Revenue Program, when we ask members to share content on their stories, we're being super sneaky - but in a good way.

It's like a little secret handshake with our brand. Our friends won't even notice, but their minds will remember the good feelings. So, as a member you can relax knowing it's all about reposting content that feels just right without anyone realizing it.

Here Are Some Repost Examples


F*CK waiting tables. Time to groove to your own BEAT.

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Brighter days await...

Reserving your spot is completely free.

You don't need a perfect plan to dive headfirst into uncharted territory; sometimes a fresh start and determination is all you need to kickstart the adventure that awaits.

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Edited by: Flaura Atkinson

Director Of Photography: Robert O'Kelly

Composer: Jeremy Warmsley

Visual Effects Supervisor: Steven Bray

Makeup Designer: Luke Stephens

Production Designer: Julia Grudnowska

Costume Designer: Alexi Kotkowska

Stunts: Nathaniel Marten

Sound Designer: Tom Keech

Colourist: Megan Lee, The Mill

First Assistant Director: Alex Mill

Bizi Home Page: “Double Tap”

Written & Directed by: Eros Vlahos

Produced by: Leah Draws, Honey Ross, Jed Shepherd

Story by: Tron Vlahos

Starring: Olive Gray as Chilli

The Dickless Troll as Himself